The Advanced Extension Award (A.E.A.) paper requires no further syllabus based learning beyond the single maths A-level syllabus...
...but the questions are much harder!
Similarly, the Sixth Term Entrance Papers (S.T.E.P.) require no further syllabus knowledge than that covered by "Double Maths" (i.e. A-level Maths and A-level Further Maths) - but again, the questions are a further step up (no pun intended) in difficulty
There really isn't such a thing as 'teaching' AEA or STEP; because there is no syllabus to teach!
Instead, it is about identifying those students that are likely to strive towards that level of competence, and setting them ever more challenging questions as they journey through the syllabus, weaving the thought processes required at that level into their learning at every stage
For that reason, we can only offer support for these papers to those students that we've been fostering the correct approach in since Year 9.
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We try to give you as much information as we think you'd need on the website, but without providing an information overload! So, if you have any unanswered questions, then please call us on 0333 1 2 33 44 5